Bakery Leitner, Nußdorf am Inn
The newest branch of the Bakery Leitner in Nussdorf am Inn has been given a rustic-modern facelift. The warm, inviting atmosphere is gained by the spaciously designed room through the predominant wooden elements, which find their place in the design of the counter as well as in the wall and ceiling. The wood elements are flanked by the dark granite countertop and the gray ceiling in concrete look. A welcoming cottage ambience par excellence.
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Immer frisch – immer lecker – immer perfekt: Wir zeigen Ihnen, wie Sie Vielfalt bieten, Qualität halten und Produkte veredeln. Für ein einzigartiges Angebot und glückliche Kunden.

180 m²
city center
AICHINGERplus inside

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